Downgrading is NOT supported.
The risks include impaired device operation,
data loss, or even unrecoverable damage to the device.
Proceed at your own risk!
Only demos since they can only be started when connected,
the computer will not beep,
and there is no auto connect. They can also be cancelled with long press middle button.
Most stimulus disabled by DND
Start / Stop :
Start / Pause / Resume :
Timer Editing Area:
# intervals
Note Timer 0 can be overwritten by the app or fw as it needs
Total Duration
Urge label
Duration s
NOTE: Firmware should ignore this interval. {{dev.timer_descr}}
HV {{diag.last_hv}}V
Zap is disabled while on charger.{{dev.owner}} {{dev.probe_when}} {{dev.probe_details}} {{k}}:
Drop V only
Release us
Pause us
t={{((dev.zt_release[k] + dev.zt_pause[k]) * dev.zt_count[k] - dev.zt_pause[k])/ 1000}}ms
Alarms ending with '+' are Smart Monitored.
Alarms starting with a '^' are Escalating.
Alarms with 2-digit prefix (e.g. "06 Wakeup") play a tune.
This is an experimental feature provided as an interim
way of connecting alarms and "user scripts".
Feel free to play and provide feedback, but note that
the final implementation will be very different.
Prefix the alarm name with one of these 2-digit codes
to play the tune instead of the usual stimulus.
Auto Do Not Disturb (aDND): Suppress most sound and vibes EXCEPT ALARMS,
timers and button press events.
Useful to stop things like Hand Detect
and Charging notifications while sleeping.
arm. {{dev.hd_mode}}
Most stimulus disabled
Manual Do Not Disturb (mDND) stops almost all stimulus (alarms, HD).
Still operating will be: haptic vibes, charging LEDs, programming LEDs.
Alarms are treated as if they ran and are consumed.
Hand Detect is not logged (but counts increase if applicable).
Candle mode still possible. Useful when you want the Pavlok
to not disturb you at all (say during a funeral or movie for example).
Stronger zaps!
If the hardware support it, all zaps will be 1.25x as strong
Not supported on this device
Vibe %
- Significant. {{dev.time_offset_note}}{{dev.Tz}}{{dev.PavDst}}{{dstChange}}
in s,
The clock jumps forward (some time is skipped).
If an alarm is scheduled during this time,
only one will trigger, and it will do so
at the time of the jump.
To prevent confusion, avoid using alarms during this time.
The clock jumps back (a period of time repeats).
Alarms scheduled during the repeated time will occur only once.
To prevent confusion, avoid using alarms during this time.
No DST in this location.
{{dev.dstTz}} != {{dstNewTz}}
We suggest you use type 13 (reserved for tests) and value FF (will write quickly we think)
and max size 1022 to fill sectors fast (though 1017 will fill the most space per sector).
Binary data lost if modified!Invalid hex! * ({{sp_length}}/512 bytes)
Alarms disabled by DND
Copy & Paste will let you copy alarms between Pavloks and/or webtool windows.
{{alarm.list.length}} alarms
Internal ID
s between stimuli (max 15 min)
This is an app-only setting.
: level
(usually disable "button cancel" if set)
(usually disable "button cancel" if set)
(usually disable "button cancel" if set)
Monitor your activity after the alarm is disabled.
If you are inactive enough, retrigger the alarm (assuming you have fallen back asleep).
: threshold ,
Threshold: Level 5 would trigger if sleeping, Level 7 would require at least typing.
Something like 100 would require walking. These are approximate examples only.
You can monitor your current effort level under Status > Energy and note the "Slow" value.
Post Alarm Cancel Duration: Monitor for this long after each time the alarm is stopped.
Stop smart monitoring if the alarm does not retrigger during the post alarm period.
Overall Expiry Duration: Monitor for this long after the start of the original alarm.
When the period is over, stop monitoring.
If both alarm monitoring times are set, the first one to end will end the smart alarm.
Escalate Zap and Vibe stimulus from 10% to the specified level.
: ramping period min
To create a general notification that will go off for any call,
use a blank field that matches "Within".
Select "DfuTarg" in the list, then click the "Pair" button.
Select your Pavlok in the list, then click the "Pair" button.
Mac: Ensure to choose entries where there is a signal icon showing or you will get 'unknown device'.